Why your website’s performance experience matters

Blurred image of a busy street with scribble graphic overlay

WEBSITE PERFORMANCE MATTERS Since Google’s update, web performance experiences matter more than ever What is website performance experience? Defining user experience Defining website performance How website performance experience affects search engine rankings Let’s summarise Boosting engagement and driving more visitors to your website starts with website performance experience. This phrase might sound like a buzzword, […]

What to consider when developing a website

Lines of binary numbers

Keeping up with the latest technology can be challenging: there is no doubt that with the growing influence and ubiquity of the internet, the first port of call for most prospective clients is your website. While the world is experiencing exponential technological growth, it can sometimes feel like we are chasing our tails when it […]

Website redevelopment: when to flick or fix an old website

Old website image, with shapes in light blue and pink, and tools surrounding it

Sometimes the best way to do this is to bite the bullet and start from scratch with a clean slate – that is, completely rebuilding your website from the ground up. Spend time talking to a web agency, as sometimes all that is needed is a refocus on what your company is about, what you […]

A Guide on How to Become A Better Programmer

Image includes scattered purple text spelling PROGRAM on a black and white background image of blurred line of code

what is clean code and why do we need it? “Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.” Martin Fowler As eloquently noted by Robert Martin in his book “Clean Code,” the only valid measurement of code quality is the number of WTFs per minute as […]

Why an NDIS website is critical for your organisation

Why an NDIS website is critical for your organisation

Many organisations in the disability sector do not have extensive marketing capabilities, particularly in regards to the digital space. At the same time, consumers are becoming more and more empowered to look for and evaluate services online. The combination of these growing demands increases the importance for organisations to consider how their company will make […]