the team.

At Butterfly, we live our core values: Leadership, Growth Mindset, and Quality. We have a collaborative environment where team members support each other and grow together. Whether in Australia or the Philippines, we excel at maintaining a vibrant culture through remote work, ensuring our team thrives and delivers exceptional results.

Leadership Team

Staff Photo Caitlin Smooker

Caitlin Smooker

Operations Manager

Staff Profile Carol Galila

Carol Galila

Software Engineering Team Lead

Staff Photo Daniel Woodhouse

Daniel Woodhouse

Chief Technology Officer

Staff Photo Darryl Dillon-Shallard

Darryl Dillon-Shallard

Chief Growth Officer

Staff Photo John Anderton

John Anderton

Chief Executive Officer

Delivery Team

Abida Mohammadi

Abida Mohammadi

Software Engineering

Ana Raymundo

Executive Assistant to the CEO

April Lucero

Service Desk Coordinator

Catherine Venerayan

Software Engineer

Chao Moraleda


Cindy Ruelos

Cindy Ruelos

Studio Manager

Da Ming Cook-Lee

Da Ming Cook-Lee

Business Analyst / Digital Producer

Dianne Tan

Dianne Tan

Digital Producer

Edge Lacorte

Edge Lacorte

Digital Producer

Eicel Devanadera

Eicel Devanadera

Sales Assistant

Hannah Arceno

Hannah Arceno

Quality Assurance Specialist

Karla Limas

Quality Assurance Specialist

Kevin Kho

Software Engineer

Natalie Walsh

Natalie Walsh

Accounts Coordinator

Ralph Arco

Software Engineer

Renan Billion

Software Engineer (Intern)

Shauni Kessler

Shauni Kessler

Principal Software Engineer

Somayyeh Taherinejad

Somayyeh Taherinejad

Software Engineer

Join the team

Build Websites, Create Impact, Shape the Future!